Cosmic Space (Detail)
Cosmic Space II (Detail)
Architecture (Detail)
Columns & Circles (Detail)
Homage to Meis Van De Rohe (Detail)
Squaring the Square (Detail)
Active Diagonal (Detail)
Striking Resonance (Detail)
Blue Flames (Detail)
Feedback (Detail)
Opus I (Detail)
Opus II (Detail)
Rising Excitements (Detail)
Reflection (Detail)
Variations on the Square (Detail)
Photopainting contacts (Detail)


Immaterial through light appears to be, a whole convincing world can be constructed of it. As the artist Dov Ben David shows, except for skill and imagination, the world can be made with very little: Some glittering, light-reflecting surfaces, some gelatin light filters, some black paper, a few Plexiglas shapes – spherical, cubical, prismatic – and a camera. Alone with these, he constructs the bold columns of immaculate temples, multicolored columnar cities, striped forceful spaces, and, more abstractly, vibrations and counter-vibrations. The light that makes them up is all strongly three-dimensional.

If the god Shiva could be transposed into the late twentieth century and his idiom become that of regular geometric shapes, this is a word he might create. Here we get the evidence that a world can be the projection of creative energy on the walls of a perceiving consciousness.

Prof. ameritus Ben-Ami Scharfstein