The show “Ad Pop”, the 1st channel, 1982-1996. Menachem Granit and Anat Dolev
The show “Fluffs” (Fisfusim) with Yigal Shilon and Eli Yatzpan, Channel 2, Reshet, 1994-2000. Ben David with the production team
The show “Fluffs” (Fisfusim) with Yigal Shilon and Eli Yatzpan, Channel 2, Reshet, 1994-2000
The show “Fluffs” (Fisfusim) with Yigal Shilon and Eli Yatzpan, a sketch for the set design
The show “Fluffs” (Fisfusim) with Yigal Shilon and Eli Yatzpan, a sketch for the logo design
Set design for the show “The sixth night” with Gabi Gazit, channel 2
Set design for the show “The sixth night” with Gabi Gazit, channel 2
Set design for the show “The sixth night” with Gabi Gazit, channel 2
Set design for the show “The sixth night” with Gabi Gazit, channel 2
Set design for the show “The sixth night” with Gabi Gazit, channel 2
“The 91st minute” sport show with Yoram Arbel, Channel 2, Tel’ad, 1994-99
Arabic entertainment show, The 1st channel
Arabic entertainment show, The 1st channel
Arabic entertainment show, The 1st channel